Comments on: I WILL TELL YOU #67: I Feel Fine Your Source for Everything Pop Culture Fri, 04 Oct 2013 01:58:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jim Johnson Mon, 24 Dec 2012 03:31:57 +0000 What scares me is that anyone who SERIOUSLY believed that this even MIGHT happen, obviously did so based on the word of those who spread the (false) word, without even bothering to verify any of the actual facts. It’s kind of a symptom of a bigger problem, as there seem to be all too many who believe what they want to believe, whether it be political, historical, etc; regardless of what the truth is.

And if any of the actions of our elected officials were the LEAST bit influened by this so-called prophecy, then they better keep that buried deep and hope the no one ever finds out.

By: C. Scott Lovejoy Sun, 23 Dec 2012 17:29:59 +0000 During the build up to the not-the-end-of-the-world, it felt like everybody was being pretty rational about not expecting it to happen, and yet there was that little “what-if?” gnat buzzing around the fringes. Which wouldn’t be a big deal for most of us, but it got me wondering if that lurking fantasy had any major effect on the world scene.

With the pressure on to resolve this “fiscal cliff” crisis, were there any Senators or Representatives that felt any less motivated, since the world was going to end on the 21st, anyway? Did the Dow plummet on Friday due to any irrational fears felt by investors? It’s hard to say, but we all know people who are perfectly sane about most topics, but go nuts when it comes to certain tightly held beliefs, no matter how outlandish they may be.

If the right sort of powerful individual really bought into the end of the Mayan calendar, what effect might they have had on the end of last week?

The other thought I had was that the Mayan Chamber of Commerce has got to be bumming. The last modern cultural acknowledgement of a long-dead civilization was just scratched off the list. There goes all those licensing rights!
