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Sell Your Vintage Memorabilia and Collectibles

Sell Your Collection With True-Market Evaluations from Back to the Past Collectibles 

At Back to the Past Collectibles, we bring decades of experience to every evaluation, ensuring that you not only discover the stories behind your items but also unlock their maximum value.

Our dedicated team of experts prides themselves on providing transparent, fair, and market-value evaluations, allowing you to make informed decisions about your valuable collectibles. Our marketing team will take over from there, finding just the right buyer for your collection.

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How to Get Started with Our Collection Evaluations

At Back to the Past Collectibles, we offer a simple and transparent process to help you sell your collection, starting with evaluating the true value of your vintage collectibles. Follow these steps to turn your treasures into cash:

Step 1: Tell Us What You Have

Provide us with some details about your collection (or simply give us a call at 313-533-3130), such as the type of collectibles, condition, storage details, and provenance. Include a few photos to give us a glimpse of your treasures.

Note: We value your time! There's no need for exhaustive cataloging in the initial submission unless you already have it. We will ask for more details as necessary.

Step 2: We’ll Review Your Submission, Do Some Research & Then We'll Contact You

After submitting your inquiry, allow us a bit of time to do some digging. Expect to hear from us within a few days for an initial consultation, where we'll dive deeper into the details of your collection. Our goal is to gain a comprehensive understanding of your collection, exploring potential evaluation and marketing options tailored to your unique treasures.

Step 3: We'll Strike a Deal and Define the Best Go-To-Market Strategy! 

Whether you choose to bring your collection to our facility or have our professional buyer visit you, our process begins with a thorough inspection of your collection. Following this, our team strategically assesses the best method to ensure you receive the maximum value for your collection. This might involve a direct payout, consignment, placement in our online store, inclusion in our auctions, or another customized option. Regardless of the method, our goal is always to get you the best result!

Why Should I Get My Vintage Memorabilia Collection Evaluated? 

Every item holds a story, and understanding their worth goes beyond just curiosity. Here are a few reasons why understanding the value of your possessions is important when selling your collection:

We understand the sentimental and financial value your vintage collections hold. Let our team of memorabilia experts guide you through the process! 

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Estate and Probate: When the time comes to distribute family heirlooms, it's not just about a "pile of stuff." Knowing the true value ensures equitable outcomes for descendants. After all, one "pile" might hold treasures surpassing the next.

Financial Planning: While financial advisors often inquire about real estate, stocks, and bank accounts, they sometimes overlook the hidden gems. In our experience, comic book, toy, and movie material collections can rival or surpass the value of a home. Get the full picture of your net worth by including collectibles in your financial plan.

Insurance Protection: Safeguard your treasures with the right insurance plan. Most insurance companies require expert evaluations to accurately back the collection. Whether a ballpark estimate suffices, or a detailed line-by-line review is necessary, we've got you covered.

Planning for Downsizing: Anticipating a future downsizing? Determine what items might be sold, donated, or sadly, disposed of. An orderly process, given time to unfold, yields better results than last-minute decisions under tight deadlines.

Bringing in Something New: Have your tastes or interests changed recently? Maybe your collection at one point sparked joy but you’re ready to shift your attention to something new? It happens all the time. Many clients have partnered with us to sell their current collection, paving the way to a fresh start.

Vintage Collectibles We’ve Bought & Sold 

This list provides a sample of vintage memorabilia collections we’ve bought and sold. Keep in mind, it’s merely a fraction of the collectibles we handle.

Frequently Asked Questions About Evaluating Vintage Collectibles

How do you evaluate a comic book?

Uncovering the value of your comic books is a breeze. Begin by exploring prices of comparable comics that have been sold, ensuring you consider the same condition, printing, and issue. Then, request an auction estimate from a reputable evaluator for a precise dollar value tailored to your collection.

What determines the value of a comic book?

The value of a comic book is a tapestry woven with factors such as rarity, condition, age, and the character or story arc featured – often referred to as a "key" issue. Comics showcasing beloved characters like Superman or Spider-Man tend to hold greater value. This can become complicated so contact Back to the Past to help you understand the intricacies of your collection.

How are sports cards evaluated?

To unveil the value of your sports cards, start by submitting it for grading. Once certified, our experts at Back to the Past Collectibles can provide a comprehensive evaluation, ensuring you receive the true worth of your prized items.

How do you price sports cards and memorabilia?

We determine the value of your sports cards and some memorabilia with precision by considering factors such as the quality of the signature, rarity of the item, historical importance of the player, and the confidence in its authenticity. At Back to the Past, we guide you through this process to ensure your signed items are priced accurately.

Does signed sports cards increase in value?

For sports icons like Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, and Michael Jordan, their autographs often maintain or increase in value over time. We recognize the worth of these signatures, making them highly sought-after by collectors willing to pay a premium.

How do I find out how much my vintage memorabilia item or collection is worth?

Connect with your local dealer at Back to the Past Collectibles to receive a personalized evaluation. By comparing multiple evaluations, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of your collection's true worth.

Does vintage memorabilia go up in value?

The value of vintage memorabilia fluctuates with market rates, influenced by various factors. While economic downturns may decrease costs, there are additional elements to consider when determining the price of a particular object.

How do you evaluate a coin collection?

A coin collection can be a fun hobby, but it can also be a valuable investment. If you’re thinking of selling your collection, or if you just want to get an idea of its value, you should take your coins to an expert in coin valuation who can give you an honest assessment of your collection’s worth.

How do I prepare for a coin evaluation?

Preparing for a coin evaluation is simple. Leave the coins in their albums or holders, avoid removing them, and separate loose coins by type and denomination. This organization ensures a smooth and accurate evaluation process.

How do I sell coins?

One of the most popular strategies is to sell them directly to a rare coin business or coin dealer. This is a good option if you want to get the most money for your coins and if you obtained your collection from this type of business in the first place.

How much does it cost to have a coin collection evaluated?

A basic idea of the price of a pile of coins might be quick and free. For deeper line-by-line evaluations, the price may be $1,000 or more to get a comprehensive listing of values. It’s important to have an evaluation done so that you can be sure of the value of your collection in case you ever need to sell it or insure it against loss or damage.

How do I get my coin collection evaluated?

You can have valuable coins in your collection assessed by a certified dealer. Once you’ve found a dealer, make an appointment to have your collection evaluated. The dealer will look at each coin and assess its value. They will also give you an estimate of how much your collection is worth as a whole.

How do I find out if my coins are worth anything?

If you suspect a coin's value, seek a professional coin evaluator. They will examine your coin, compare it to recent sales, and provide an accurate estimate based on its current market value.

How long does it take to get a coin evaluated?

Professional evaluators assess older coins within minutes. However, rare, or unusual coins or extensive collections may require additional time for a precise evaluation.

What should I expect from a coin evaluation?

Evaluations are conducted without any obligation to sell. There may be a cost involved for a line-by-line evaluation, but general “how much is the pile worth?” types of evaluations may be free of charge. The evaluator will start by asking you some questions about the coin, such as when and where you got it, whether you know anything about its history, and what condition it is in. They will then take a close look at the coin, inspecting it for any signs of wear or damage. Once the evaluation is complete, the evaluator will provide you with an estimated value for the coin. This value is based on several factors, including the coin’s age, condition, and rarity. In some cases, the evaluator may also be able to give you some advice on how to best care for your coin.

How do you trust a coin evaluator?

It’s important to do your research to ensure you’re working with a reputable and qualified professional. First, check their experience to see if they have the knowledge and expertise to give accurate evaluations. It’s also important to verify that they have real assets, such as a bonded warehouse or insurance, which can protect your coins in the event of theft or damage. In addition, take some time to read online reviews and see what other people have said about their experience with the evaluator. And finally, be sure to ask about what would happen in the event of a dispute and what your recourse would be. By taking these steps, you can help ensure you’re working with a trustworthy coin evaluator.

It’s Time to Discover What Your Vintage Collection is Worth 

Whether you’re ready to sell today, tomorrow, or well in the future, we’ll help you understand the value of your collectibles so you’ll be prepared when the time comes. Contact our team to get started!

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