RETRO REVIEW: Metamorpho # 2

Welcome to another Friday!  This week, I’ve pulled out Metamorpho # 2, from D C Comics.  It’s cover dated October 1965 and is the third appearance of a relatively new character.  Metamorpho had first made his appearance just six months earlier, in Brave and the Bold # 57, cover dated January 1965, where his origin was told,…

RETRO REVIEW: Crimson Plague # 1 & 2

And now, for something completely different, yet the same.  Welcome to another Friday RETRO REVIEW, as always, brought to you by Greg Turner.  This week I’m looking at the two issue run of Crimson Plague, created, written and drawn by the fabulous George Perez and published by Image Comics.  These comics show a cover date…

RETRO REVIEW: Thor # 337

As part of Avengers month (plus), leading up to the opening of the movie; The Avengers, this week I am looking at Thor # 377, from Marvel Comics.  It is cover dated November 1983 and features a really strange looking image of the title character, Thor!  Or does it?  Who is this strange looking creature wearing…