The Walking Dead Are Eating Up Media Outlets

Zombies have been on the rise. Seems like you cannot turn anywhere without a zombie themed something or other going on near your location. The Walking Dead are not going to miss a single opportunity to take advantage of the popularity given their niche material and target audience. What started as a comic has spilled over onto the small screen and now has a franchise video game series. If you are a fan of the series you can virtually surround yourself with The Walking Dead media.


RETRO REVIEW: Captain Marvel # 17

This week’s RETRO REVIEW is Marvel Comics’ Captain Marvel # 17.  The comic is cover dated October, 1969, and features a very nice Gil Kane and Dan Adkins cover.  Not only does it show the good Captain Marvel front and center, but it also gives the reader another Captain, Captain America, that is, plus Bucky, well not exactly Bucky, it’s Rick Jones in…
